10/30/2015 00:53


Hello friends, 

I want to share the LORD does not want you to have ANYTHING to do with Halloween. HE does not want us going out on Halloween night at all. HE wants us to stay in and eat a home cooked meal--dont go out to eat or out and about. The LORD says there are more human and animal sacrifices on this day than any other day of the year. HE said this day has so much evil activity and HE wants HIS children in. Dont have anything to do with costumes or candy--nothing. Look at this you tube of the words the LORD gave me below.... Lots of love, Donna
Here are Mitchell Bertram's message from the LORD 10/29/15
Words from the LORD GOD JEHOVAH given to Mitchell Bertram 10/29/15
"My son,
Listen to what I must speak. Children an evil day lies ahead. A day of evil. You all know this day by "Halloween". This is the day of my enemy. Many of My children choose to celebrate this day and think I am okay with it. I tell you, I AM NOT.
ANYONE above the age of accountability that chooses to "trick or treat" or "trunk or treat" or celebrate this wicked holiday of pagans WILL BE LEFT BEHIND UNLESS YOU REPENT! PERIOD.
This evil holiday has infiltrated many of My houses of worship! I will not be with them during their services (the immediate Sunday after this day) following their choosing of welcoming the celebration of this day.
How many times must I tell My children? BE HOLY! Is it not in the Words of which you read? MY HOLY SCRIPTURES? You are not being HOLY if you choose to celebrate with the wicked. When you choose for My enemy on this day, your fruits decay. They become rotten and their stench is fowl.
1 Peter 1:15-16New King James Version (NKJV)
15 but as He who called you is holy, you also be holy in all your conduct, 16 because it is written, “Be holy, for I am holy.”[a]
Luke 13:5King James Version (KJV)
5 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.
1 John 1:9New King James Version (NKJV)
9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
The LORD's Words for Today (Posted at www.End-Times-Prophecy.Com)
“Weaning Christians Off Halloween”
Dear Followers of CHRIST:
This Special Edition Letter: “Weaning Christians Off Halloween” features Words from the LORD GOD about Halloween (see two letters below) and introducing the new Facebook page and campaign “Weaning Christians Off Halloween.”  One definition of the word “wean” is:
stop somebody from having something: to cause somebody to go without something that has become a habit or that is much liked
And that is precisely what we are trying to do—educate and communicate to Christians the problem with embracing a holiday that represents evil and is the enemy of the church.  We will be posting a flood of information about Halloween and the deceptions the Christians have fallen into through the culture/times around them to embrace evil.
Please visit the FB and see regular updates with important information to educate about the deception in the culture to deceive the Christians:  
Many Christians want to know why churches are NOT talking about end times when it is so blatantly obvious that we are in the end times--SO this page was started for churches to promote themselves if they proudly preach that LORD JESUS is returning for HIS bride--HIS church in the coming rapture. If you preach baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT--please let the people know and take the mystery out of their frustration of finding churches that preach the TRUTH and the HEART OF GOD. If your church is NOT PREACHING END TIMES AND HOLY SPIRIT BAPTISM--YOU ARE NOT IN THE WILL OF THE FATHER.
Words of the LORD:
“There is a darkness on this earth that is spreading like a wildfire.”
(Words Received from Our LORD by Donna McDonald, September 8, 2013)
Daughter, I have a Word, a letter for you on Halloween. Take it down.
Daughter you must get this out to the people. It is vital for their health, vitality and salvation. Children, this is your LORD speaking, YAHUSHUA. I am your GOD and I am dictating this letter to this daughter for your benefit.
There is a darkness on this earth that is spreading like a wildfire. The wildfire is from the enemy. He is attempting to spread hell to the earth. He wants to engulf the earth in flames and take it over for himself. I will not let him. But he will take many captive and prisoner to his deep, dark dungeon called hell.
The people will be led astray and many will not know what hit them until they land in the deep, dark pit called hell. I want to inform you there is another way. Children, the darkness over the earth is highlighted by a holiday that the enemy calls “Halloween.” Halloween is the holiday that takes place a day, a night before All Saints Day. This day was set apart for ME and what is “Holy” but the evil one in trying to mock ME and copy ME as he knows best to do.
He concocted a holiday to worship himself. It is called “Halloween.” It is NOT a harmless and fun day for the children. Instead it is a day that is dedicated to the dead, the evil, and the corrupt. More satanic rituals occur on this day than on all the other days of the year put together.  The evil one brings his evil and the people dedicated to evil out in full force. More animal sacrifices and human sacrifices occur on this day than on any other day of the year.
Now, do you believe this is a harmless holiday for the children? Would you want your children to dress up and ask for a ‘trick or treat’ knowing that this day brings animal and human sacrifices?  What if the animal or human sacrificed was your child or loved one?  What would you think of the day then? Children, you must put down all references to this day, all talk of it unless to warn and educate the others on its evil.
You must NOT go out and celebrate in any way, shape, or form on this day or night lest you come in contact with evil. It is best to stay at home and cook a home-cooked meal and read your Bible as a family. That way you are not out in the world on this evil night called Halloween. Do you understand ME?  If not, what part of this do you not understand?  If you can read this then you can understand this. There might be those of you who do not believe this and to those I say, “Hallelujah.” Hallelujah is a word to praise your LORD.  If you do not understand then praise ME anyway and I will bring the Truth to you in a manner and way you can understand to get the message across.  I will educate you and enlighten you to the Truth of the day called “Halloween.” You must first want the Truth and everything else will be added unto you.
Blessings from on High:
Words of the LORD:
“Everything that circulates around this evil day glorifies MY enemy.”
(Words Received from Our LORD by Susan Davis, September 6, 2013)
This is a letter for MY children.  These days are dark and MY children have turned against their GOD. They are rabble-rousers.  They want to cause ME trouble and make trouble.  I am sullen at the darkness all around.  The darkness closes in all over the earth.  MY children embrace evil like it is a dearly beloved baby blanket.  They are running to and fro to grasp evil.  There is so much evil on earth that the people are completely dumbed-down to what they are doing and how they have come to be so far from their GOD. 
I want to address this matter of the dark holiday approaching.  It is a day that is meant to glorify MY enemy.  Everything that circulates around this evil day glorifies MY enemy.  It puts him at the center of the hearts of MY children, who, I, GOD, created.  Their focus is on him and the love of his ways.   I am so sickened of this I could puke.  MY children have slipped so far from ME.  They cannot see the dark tunnel they are digging for themselves.  They are taking shovels and digging themselves a gateway to hell and MY enemy is standing by assisting them.
Children, you must awaken to this Truth.  Stop embracing this evil, let go of and quit handling this evil. Each day that you focus on MY enemy, you are one day closer to hell.  MY coming is nigh, and although I know the day and the hour, you must prepare because of this day you know not.  I will come as a thief in the night and only those prepared will be coming with ME.  All those left behind will then live with this evil tyrant in full force.  This day approaches: be not weary of preparing for MY coming.  Only those who are ready are going with ME.
This is your LORD GOD
GOD’s Position on Wizards and Vampires:
Ex-Witch Writes About Harry Potter: